Our Baobana Protein Shake is a bespoke blend to supply your body with the finest quality plant based nutrient dense proteins It will help to accelerate recovery from exercise supporting general wellness and helping you achieve optimal physical and mental performance resulting in larger leaner muscle gain naturally The purest blend of carefully selected superfoods that are potent in antioxidants and vitamin A to ensure that the body absorbs the organic 65 edistin protein perfectly which accelerates the regeneration of muscle building after a period of exertion and while in rest While it is ideal for sportsmen and women athletes and bodybuilders our Baobanana Protein Shake is equally suited to people with limited time to exercise Benefits of Our Baobanana Protein Shake Natural pro biotic Super plant based protein Great for heart health High in dietary fiber High in bioavailable vitamins minerals All essential non essential amino acids Exceptionally high in minerals Ingredients Baobab pumpkin protein hemp protein 70 lucuma mesquite maca coconut sugar banana powder and pure love Directions We recommend using non dairy milks that are naturally sweet such as hemp coconut almond or rice milk Add 2 3 teaspoons to 350 ml water and mix well Can also be added to smoothies baking and treats serve enjoy life CAN BE USED AS A PRE AND POST WORKOUT SHAKE AS WELL AS A MEAL REPLACEMENT