Our Cookie Dough Protein Shake is a family favourite because of its popular flavour It is a delightful blend of our unique superfood powders to supply your body with the finest quality plant based nutrient dense proteins Our specific powder blend helps to accelerate recovery from exercise supporting general wellness and helping you achieve optimal physical and mental performance resulting in larger leaner muscle gain naturally The purest blend of carefully selected superfoods ensures that the body absorbs the organic 65 edistin protein perfectly which accelerates the regeneration of muscle building after a period of exertion and while in rest While it is ideal for sportsmen and women athletes and bodybuilders SynerChi Organics Cookie Dough Protein Shake is equally suited all looking for a high quality and delicious protein shake PLEASE NOTE it contains peanut protein powder Benefits of Our Cookie Dough Protein Shake Super plant protein High bioavailable protein Improves energy and immunity Muscle building Helps with weight loss as a meal replacement Packed with essential omegas 3 6 Exceptionally high in minerals Family friendly Ingredients Organic peanut protein powder organic mesquite powder organic hemp protein powder 70 organic maca powder organic coconut creamer powder organic chia seeds organic chaga powder organic coconut sugar pure love How to use We recommend using non dairy milks that are naturally sweet such as hemp coconut almond or rice milk Add 2 3 teaspoons to 350 ml water mix well can also be added to smoothies baking treats serve enjoy life